News and Announcements 


By G-MEO Team, July 22th. 2024

It was with great sadness that we learned last spring of the passing of Dr. Jason A. Scorza, Vice Provost for Academic and International Affairs and Professor of Political Science and Philosophy at Fairleigh Dickinson University. ... READ MORE



By G-MEO Team, November 15th. 2021

2021年11月9日,美中关系全国委员会(NCUSCR)在纽约举行2021年度晚宴。美国极妙国际教育集团(G-MEO)创始人兼首席执行官张钟浚博士受邀出席。在本次晚宴上,中国国家主席习近平和美国总统拜登分别致贺信,由中国驻美国大使秦刚和美中关系全国委员会董事会主席雅各布·卢分别宣读。当晚还有美国前国务卿亨利·基辛格博士,前交通部长兼劳工部长赵小兰以及美中关系全国委员会会长欧伦斯的致辞。... READ MORE

The signing ceremony of the "World Youth Panda Reporters" 

At 10 am on May 13th, the signing ceremony of the "World Youth Panda Reporter" was successfully held in Chengdu City Celebrity Hotel. 

By G-MEO Team, May 19th. 2021

The "World Youth Panda Reporter" activity allows young students from China and overseas to better know and experience Chengdu and enhances communication and understanding between young people in their hometowns and other countries... READ MORE

G-MEO 2020 Highlights- ASF & ASP Programs


By G-MEO Team, April 20th. 2021

G-MEO’s Alternative Semester programs were held in both Fall of 2020 and Spring of 2021. They are innovative study away programs for Chinese international students who cannot come back to the US. They had the chance to attend an in-person semester in Chengdu with courses, activities, career development opportunities, and student interest groups... READ MORE

G-MEO 2020 Highlights- World Panda Ambassador


By G-MEO Team, April 20th. 2021

The World Panda Ambassador Project took place during Fall 2020 with G-MEO. This was a collaboration with a Chengdu TV station to promote the 2021 Universiade, which is a college athletic competition that will take place in Chengdu. G-MEO asked former students and others who had been to Chengdu to highlight Chengdu city, culture, and people. Through this project, we were able to reach almost 200,000 people and had 3 million impressions... READ MORE

2020 Alternative Fall Semester


Impact on higher education under COVID-19By G-MEO Team, June 25th. 2020

There is no doubt that COVID-19 has made a huge impact on the global community, and higher education is certainly no exception. International students enrolled in the universities in the U.S. for the Fall 2020 semester are now dealing with perhaps the greatest amount of uncertainty because of the difficulties they will face with flights and visas. As a solution, G-MEO is excited to introduce the Alternative Fall Semester (AFS) program...READ MORE

Online Study Abroad Q&A with Alumni Session 2

Screen Shot 2020-05-12 at 1.03.11 PM

Hold by G-MEO Team on April 39th. 2020 at 3 PM

In this Q&A session, we can learn from our G-MEO alumni, Rebecca and Dajah, about their experiences. They shared why they decided to study abroad in China and what their impressions of China were before studying abroad. They also shared the most interesting parts, where to travel to, and more. Are you still deciding which country or city to study abroad in? Listen to their stories... READ MORE

The First Online Study Abroad Q&A Session with Alumni

Alumni Study Abroad Q&A Session

Hold by G-MEO Team on April 15th. 2020 at 3 PM

G-MEO launched the first online study abroad Q&A session on Instagram study abroad group chat last Wednesday. Especially thanks to our alumni, Christina Batista and Kenia Alvarado Martinez, for joining this virtual interview and sharing their study abroad experience in China. If you are curious about what are their study abroad lives to look like, and want to learn more about how to find nice restaurants to visit, where are the fun places to visit, or what are the interesting activities to do while studying abroad in Chengdu, China, you should definitely not missing this Q&A session! READ MORE

Why Immersive Language Learning Work

Learning Together - Immersive language learningBy G-MEO Team, April 23rd, 2020

Immersing yourself in a language and culture allows you to easily and quickly pick it up. There are no other situations where you would be surrounded by the language daily, increasing your knowledge in a natural and practical way. When you’re abroad,...READ MORE

How to be More Productive During Quarantine?

coronavirus-4937226_1280By G-MEO Team, April 2nd, 2020

Spending so much time at home can be a very strange and difficult, but we believe that we can turn challenges into opportunities until the virus subsides. Here are some ideas to help you be more productive during the coronavirus outbreak...READ MORE

Feeling Tired of Social Distancing? Check Out One of the Safest Places to Travel in 2020

holiday-2880261_1280By G-MEO Team, March 23rd, 2020

What to Expect? COVID-19 Trends Summary in Early 2020 - When you think about making travel plans for 2020, you will most likely first consider what place may be one of the safest places to travel to during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak...READ MORE

G-MEO Summer 2019 Students' Interview with GoChengdu 

G-MEO Students' Interview with GoChengdu 2019JULY 2019, Original article from GoChengdu

Last week, Chengdu media Gochengdu made an interview for Chengdu American Center's students and faculties, sharing their study abroad experience in Chengdu and how it influences their perception of Chinese culture and lifestyle...READ MORE

G-MEO Students' Interview with Looking West to Chengdu 2019

6c464b301b5dc504b08a49af6e237bd5 (1)March 2019, Original article from GoChengdu

A group of American students came to Chengdu for a 13-week stay. Besides learning Chinese, travelling and eating, they would visit local families. How would hospitable Chengdu families welcome them?...READ MORE

G-MEO Students Shared Internship Experience with TV Program-Looking West to Chengdu

Screen Shot 2019-08-20 at 12.24.18 PM2018, Original video from GoChengdu

Students look for internships during summer vacations every year to enrich life experience and accumulate work experience. Recently, a group of American students looked Chengdu as the first practice base in their life. What kind of internship will they have in Chengdu?...READ MORE

View Our Programs

Study Abroad in China Programs- Chengdu

Study Abroad in China Programs - Shanghai

Internship in China Program



David Chang

Dr. David C. Chang was named the ninth President of New York Polytechnic University (now known as NYU Tandon School of Engineering) on July 1, 1994, and was appointed Chancellor in July 2005. In addition to being a full professor at his home institution, Dr. Chang also holds honorary professorships at five major universities in China.

Contact G-MEO

  • NY Office Phone: 929-238-2840
  • Email:
  • Address: 5 West 37th Street, Suite 210, New York, NY 10018
  • Chengdu American Center Phone: +86 185 8392 2212
  • WeChat: g-meochina