My Experience
"I can honestly say that my expectations were surpassed. I love China and plan on coming back as often as I can." -Genesis Encarnacion: Beyond Expectation
"Chengdu truly feels like 'the home away from home'." - Salma Hbaich: At Home in China
"I have had an unbelievable transition from pessimistic to optimistic individual. This study abroad program has impacted my life in three important ways: personally, academically, and financially. This exercise has become a way for me to relieve any type of stress and, as they say, “find a place inside where there is joy and the joy will burn out of pain.” The g-MEO program is making me realize how I can go if I am willing to accept the challenges thrown at me." - Maman Cisse: Exploring the Chengdu and its Diverstiy
"Even when I’m back home in the United States of America, I will carry China in me always. The uniqueness of China has an undeniable charm that sucks you in and captures you before you even land in the Middle Kingdom, whether you realize it or not. It’s an experience of a lifetime"- Hailey Cohen: I Love China
"My study abroad experience in Chengdu is one that I will never forget. Almost two years later, I still miss it like crazy. I made a lot of great memories - exploring Chengdu, learning the Chinese culture, and eating delicious traditional Sichuanese food. I also met a lot of wonderful people and became very close with some that I still keep in touch with. My visa does not expire until 2028, so I know I will return one day!" - Virginia Sanchez (Fairleigh Dickinson University), Summer Session I 2017